Sekumpulan bahasa pribadi.

Lalu bahasa hanyalah sekedar perantara.
Hati adalah sumber dari segalanya.
Tidak perlu dipahami, tapi butuh dirasakan.

Monday 28 November 2011


You are a best friend I have always been asking for.
The one who can lay down under the sky, even when there is no star to look at and talk about nothing.
The most visible person when every pain strikes down the blurry answers.
The countless smiles, unbearable talks, and personal jokes.
The craziest plans where nobody wants to be around.
The line of summer sun when the last snow of winter has melted.
The most beautiful shadow which appears to fight against the uncertainty.

You are a teacher I manage to hate.
The yelling to protect every soul I have not lost.
A deal not to be careless and despising days of falling.
Willingly sacrifice and block the most evil side I used to own.
The surprise feeling I found at the time you have never left me alone.
The gravity of arrogant thoughts which pour every inch of lesson I learn to dismiss.
The leading of imprecise imaginations and undo the suffering.

You are the lover.
The listener, the watcher, the shine of the moon, the first thought, the morning taste, the falling star.
You are the cure of a broken heart, broken brain, broken lungs, broken eyes.
You are the best scene of trying and the 'what I have gained and deserved' sense.
You are the sleepless nights and beats for every move.
You are the sight where I know that it is a place I just belong.
The hug for every teardrop, the operation of my spinal cord, impulses, muscles, and organs.
The irreplaceable tones of collected memories.

You are just too many words to describe.
No pages would fit to create these stories.
The paradox of expressing the feeling of gratefulness.
Just a simple truth for every moment I am awake.

Dear, thank you for being the gift in any perfection I can adore.
For the slightest hatefulness or arousing, I never survive to do it long time enough.
My addict to your comfort will always get me to reach it.
You are the simplest way to happiness, and always will be.
And for falling for you everyday, I am glad to have a chance to live normally.
The life anybody would have appreciated.

Thank you for being a best friend, a teacher.
The most of all is the lover I constantly fall in love with.

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