Sekumpulan bahasa pribadi.

Lalu bahasa hanyalah sekedar perantara.
Hati adalah sumber dari segalanya.
Tidak perlu dipahami, tapi butuh dirasakan.

Friday 16 March 2012

I'm part of you definitely

It is an example of beauty to have to know that along this way I have learned the unpaid experience: Broken Heart.
And never once I regret the road I have taken.
Mostly because it has taught me that luck has nothing to do with love, but simply because heart tells us where to go.
Put aside all of the sadness I used to bear, can people see the silver lining?
To have someone that you can hold everyday, to freely express the dynamite of love, to feel so much love taken and given,
That is quite a form of silver lining I am talking about: You feel no greater than to love someone completely.

In every thought of you, it truly changed my perspective of how relationship should work.
There should have never been someone who only gives and never takes, neither vice versa.
It is worth both efforts, for each self will attempt to make each other happy.
It is the creation of equal love that no one has to hurt, or be hurt.
And, to them who can speak and hear with no hesitance.

For every teardrop and lonely night, I can say how thankful I am for what I have been through.
Then now I appreciate every good-night-s saying and I-love-you-s
The words I might crave for the rest of my dreams.
You just show up at the most perfect time : After I learned how loving someone means that it is possible to lose him.
And after I see clearly that a person like you deserve the greatest love anybody could offer.

To be completed, it is to be with you.
More than that, to complete you, I offer that kind of love.

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