Sekumpulan bahasa pribadi.

Lalu bahasa hanyalah sekedar perantara.
Hati adalah sumber dari segalanya.
Tidak perlu dipahami, tapi butuh dirasakan.

Tuesday 23 October 2018

The Venture

— Nothing worthwhile is risk-free.

I long for you and only you, but you can be the agony of my story.
You came as the wind the blew gently on my face,
Then after, you are the storm with thunder.
You greet morning like a perfect cup of coffee, 
And, you are the cold between the absence of our existence.

Yet, my heart desires you.

You create ripples in my mind, eroding the wall of my muscle.
I feel the love so much, I cannot elude, I cannot reveal.

You are a danger, a pleasant risk.
You are a continual exposure of uncertainty,

Which I cannot get enough of.

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